Day 4 - Arduous
Just a quick update today:
After a 20-hour day, Sam rolled in around 2:00 AM on Monday morning. The crew drove to Copper Mountain so that Brock could get back to Seattle, and then came back to the campsite for a couple hours sleep.
Sam was up and out by 7:30 AM on Monday and downed some coffee and washed his face. We knew from the beginning that this would be a very difficult day - Sam's feet have begun to swell from the trauma of putting so much pressure on them, causing some pain. Sleep deprivation is also a strong factor.
Sam and Kirsten are hoping to reach the halfway point soon, which will be a much-needed emotional boost.
I think Sam would agree that this current quest is more difficult than the 50 in 50 in 50 by an order of magnitude. BUT, if anyone has the mental resolve to keep pushing, it's Sam.
So please keep the comments coming - Kirsten was elated to hear from everyone. Keep it up, Samdog!
Sam. I know you can suffer through this - the task at hand seems unthinkable - to continue yet another day. But suffer strong and suffer free. I am pulling for you.
Sam! Hey, it's Robyn! You can do it! I know you have the determination and resolve to see it through. I'm cheering you on and am really proud to know you! I'll get you a beer at the RAM when you get back. And some nachos! Keep it up!
Sam! I've been checking your blog daily and sending positive boosts of energy your way! I am completely impressed by your day 4 accomplishment! You can do it!
Hugs, Kire
Sam and Kirsten - Your fan club in St. Paul, MN is pulling for you. We check your blog several times a day for news. We're so inspired by your aspiration and determination.
Cousin Mark
see sam run ! see sam go !!!! keep it up teamate ! thinking of you this morning and knowingyou are seeing the same beautiful sunrise i am........ stay in the MOMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! let her rip !! diane
Hi Sam -
Sawyer Graubins here. As I sit here with oatmeal all over my face and listen to my mommy and daddy go on and on about how incredible you are, I can't help but to think they are right on. Then I burp. I hope you are holding down your food and eating lots out there. Remember, that is key -- keep eating. And, when in doubt, imagine that you are the world's biggest, most powerful choo-choo train, heading up the mountains, saying "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."
Sawyer (by way of Holly & Garett, because I can't type yet)
Hello Sam, Brock, and crew! It was great to run in to you out on the trail the other day! It sounds like all is well - stay strong, run hard, and good luck. I wanted to let you know that my exact time was 8 days,12 hrs.,14 min., .05 sec.I found it helpful to know what time I was shooting for. I'll be thinking about you over the next couple of days - I know how tough the trail is. Hammer down and head for Durango! Sincerely, Paul Pomeroy
Dave - This is Brock. send your email to so i can email you my account of day 1 - 3.
Paul - Great to run into you as well. Nice Work!!!
Sam, Kirsten - Keep moving!!
Sam! Muscle through it! Pain does not exist in this dojo! Keep it up and we are all sending you the good vibes here at TNF. Go Sam!
Do it Sam. I'll drink the PBR calories for you, for now.
Go, Sammy, Go!! Sascha and I are rooting hard for you. Remember to keep smiling - because as long as you're smiling, you're having fun!
Great advice from Sawyer, too. He's a smart kid. Keep those calories shoveling in.
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