End of Day 5; Day 6 and; Start of Day 7
Spoke with Kirsten's parents moments ago. I believe Sam made it to segment 16 by end of Day 5 (282.4 miles total). Day 6 found Sam in great spirits. His feet are swollen and he is in a bit of pain as we can all imagine (or not) but he still has his sense of humor. It looks like he made it through segments 17, 18, and 19 by the end of Day 6 for a total of 330 miles in 6 days! He is currently on Day 7 and has made it through segment 20 and is on segment 21 with Kirsten right now. The plan is to make it to segment 23 by the end of the day, which will put him at mile 387.1. He is still well on track to break the record. He has currently entered the San Juan Mountain Range - home of the infamous Hardrock 100 Mile Endurance Run. He will gain serious elevation at high altitude in this range and access to each segemnt will be complex for the crew. As the finish line gets closer, Sam's determination becomes even more impenetrable. Keep the encouraging comments coming!!!!
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Wow! I check your blog daily and each day your updates are bringing me more tears! I am so impressed with your accomplishment! You are truly inspirational. I look forward to welcoming you back home and being able to give you and Kirsten big hugs and many cheers!
Kire :)
Wow, this is terrific! Keep on trucking Sam!
Is he planning on running the new Cataract Ridge reroute, or the old Pole Creek + Bear Town section? Similar mileages, but more elev. gain for the new trail I think.
Go Sam!
Hey Sam. It's Diane and I'm in Grande Cache, sending you good thoughts! Keep the feet turnin', don't look back! - Diane
I'm with Diane in Granda Cache, Alberta, and we can't stop telling people about you and your incredible journey. Keep it up! What's the old saying? Something tile "Pain is temporary, pride is forever."
- Garett & Diane
Praying you through the end, buddy!
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